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Your Company Needs to be Supporting Its Community: Here’s Why

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By Isabel Illig

It’s no secret giving back to the community and being socially responsible builds a better reputation for your brand, but it does much more than that. Follow along to learn why and how your company’s involvement can enhance its relationship with the community.


Charitable efforts made by employees and employers result in workplaces that are better for business, for the people who work there, and the world.

A company that has good community relations will be more capable of recruiting and retaining employees. The current job pool is made up of a lot of Millennials and older Generation Z individuals who want to work at a company whose core values align with their own. It is an important factor job seekers look for when choosing when applying for positions. A survey by Deloitte showed 70 percent of millennials look at a company’s commitment to the community as an influence on their decision to work there. 

Not only are applicants searching for companies with a good conscience, so are consumers. In fact, consumers prefer socially responsible companies. According to a study done by Cone Communications, 87 percent of consumers will support and buy from a business based on its values and 89 percent would switch to a brand that is associated with a good cause.

Company-sponsored philanthropy promotes employee camaraderie and rapport. It gives business acquaintances the chance to get to know each other and bond which will ultimately lead to better teamwork and efficiency.

Employees respect leaders who do good. When you give your company a positive role in the community it can improve the way in which employees see their corporate leaders. Leaders can create a sense of pride amongst their employees and boost morale, ultimately motivating them.

Workers who believe their organizations give back to the community are 13 times more likely to look forward to coming to work, compared to employees who do not perceive their employers to be generous toward the community.


  1. Cash and sponsorships: the most obvious and arguably the most effective. 
  2. Pro bono services: a great way for those who would rather contribute face-to-face (or screen-to-screen!)
  3. Company match: matching employee donations can add to overall excitement and participation. 
  4. Office drives: good way for companies with offices that have reopened to collect donatable items
  5. Letter campaign: write to senior-living homes or children’s hospitals to spread joy to those who might need it most. This could be launched at a (Zoom) office party!

In Bel’s Words

As someone who is very passionate about community relations and social and environmental responsibility, I cannot stress the impact it has on the world. It goes beyond benefiting a business, it makes our country (and planet) a better place to live for everyone.